What Friends of Street Kids does:
Advocacy for Children's rights

Children rights advocacy

Friends Of Street Kids And Orphans Foundation is aiming at protecting the children from child Abuser who aim at harming the children in or out of the family. Our struggle to support the children is by using law to ensure that children are safe and secure from their abusers with the organization interest to help support them with a upper loud voice.

We do work closely with other non-profit organizations that have the same goals and interests of children safe. Child advocacy workshops have been organized by our organization to ensure that parents, the community and children get more information about rights for children country wide. This has been successful and progress has been seen in some parts of Kampala down in slums where parents fight for the rights of children.

What is Child advocacy?

Child advocacy refers to a range of individuals, professionals and advocacy organizations who speak out on the best interests of children. An individual or organization engaging in advocacy typically seeks to protect children's rights which may be abridged or abused in a number of areas. We are looking forward to working with everyone whose aim is to protect children.